Projekt- und Hörgalerie
A und V

Lütznerstr. 30, 04177 Leipzig

02.10 - 31.10.2020

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Photos: Frenzy Höhne

Andrés Aizicovich + Leopoldo Estol + Alfredo Piro Jaramillo + Liv Schulman (El Flasherito) / Max Baitinger / Heike Geißler / Frenzy Höhne / Kristina Jurotschkin + Max Bodenstedt + Thomas Lindenberg / Tina Kaden / Anna Schimkat / outside the box - Zeitschrift für feministische Gesellschaftskritik

curated by: Olga Vostretsova / Büro für kulturelle Übersetzungen + Yvonne Anders / Kunstraum Praline

‘El Flasherito’ is a collaborative art project of critical writing from Buenos Aires. The artist group is invited to develop one issue of the newspaper 'El Flasherito' in dialogue with Leipzig artists, intellectuals, and writers. An open-door newsroom, an international reporting and performance lab connecting arts and art criticism, discourse, and its visual implementations would have been created in the Projekt- und Hörgalerie A und V and in the art space Praline in June 2020. The project has been postponed two times, currently until March 2021. For the Lindenow #16 festival, a window newspaper installation at the A und V will be set up, with contributions by participating artists from Leipzig and Buenos Aires, a patchwork out of pictures and texts in a large format.
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Photos: Frenzy Höhne

With kind support: Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen (KdFS), Kulturamt Leipzig, ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Goethe-Institut e.V.
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Fotos: İzem Yaşim
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